Thursday, November 14, 2013

Handbags does not meet the national standard

handbags does not meet the national standard<br /><br /> Fold ? Impossible . Yesterday, Wuchang a mall in the corner, only a handful of jackets in the anti- season promotion . Six Qizhe pretty good . Salesperson said , duck down in prices, there are promotional quickly stockpile it. This season, one -of-season down jacket cheap as long as two or three hundred , and even five or six hundred sales are underway .. <br /><br />Car suture should be absolutely uniform, no loose ends of thread or suture needle back - this is a sign of rough work . Carefully check the seams to see Chanel handbags lozenge or Louis Vuitton handbag patterns are aligned . Companies such as Louis Vuitton logo very seriously and will not appear sutures split case letters . <br /><br />Down the best selection of special cleaning detergent down jacket . Because of their neutral, can reduce the damaging effects of protein fibers , and has excellent washing power and protect the conditioning effect , washed down jacket fabric to maintain the luster and fluffy inside . When washing down jacket , down jacket first soaked in water and then add 20 to 30 grams of down jacket cleaning agents, with 4 kg dubbed warm lotion , soak for 20 minutes, with a soft bristle brush to clean clothes on the dirt, then rinse with water .. <br /><br />His soundtrack fusion of Chinese classical instruments in the lyrics blend of Chinese poetry mood charm. For example, many of his songs in the soundtrack , we can hear the pipa, erhu, the sound of drums and other classical instruments , and in the lyrics , we can also see a lot of mood with Chinese poetry , such as 1 blue and white the prime embryo stroke thick blue outline slowed , peony on the bottle as the beginning of your makeup, slowly sandalwood mind I glance through the window , put half of the rice paper on this point ...... Write rapidly . Jay clever modern pop music and classical Chinese instruments and poetry mastery, and created a precedent for Chinese music revivalist , to put this music fashion brought to the public s side , making it popular .

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