Friday, May 23, 2014

Reasons For Staying Single

8 Reasons For Staying Single<br /><br />4 You can enjoy a sexual smorgasbord<br /><br />One of the best reasons for staying single is that you not stuck with the same sex partner for the rest of your life. The dating universe is yours to conquer. You can happily sample all the different fare at the sexual buffet, and keep your taste buds primed for the next dish being served.<br /><br />Staying single means not being forced into buying a 10,000 megawatt diamond ring so your fiance can impress her friends with the huge price tag or any of the other bloodsucking financial drains that marriage entails, for that matter.<br /><br />And you won be stuck having to regularly shell out for the flowers, more jewelry and the other gifts that a wife demands it like paying maintenance fees on a condo.<br /><br />By staying single, you not legally or financially obligated to anyone but yourself. But once you John Hancock the dotted line on that marriage contract, she has you by the balls forever.<br /><br />You can take this money that somehow spontaneously becomes hers once you get married and invest it in important things like sex drenched singles cruises, buying cool cars or building equity in a house.<br /><br />6 You can enjoy serenity<br /><br />Another reason for staying single is that being alone means peace and quiet. When you don live with a woman, you not subjected to her never ending mood swings and emotional storms, or her blaming you for everything that she screws up in her life.<br /><br />And, of course, no fights. As long as you keep her as a casual girlfriend and not a wife, if she gets too uppity you can simply walk away, free and clear.<br /><br />7 You can keep your toys<br /><br />When you single, you can hang on to all your fun toys that classic Mustang, the speedboat, the Harley all of which seem to magically disappear overnight once you get married.<br /><br />Your wife won want you to have these things because they take the focus off her and she feels it her money that she could be better spending on clothes and shoes.<br /><br />8 You don have to compromise<br /><br />Being single means you don have to constantly find a middle ground meaning, doing what she wants to do whether you like it or not. This includes being forced to see chick flicks or suffer antique fairs and dinner with her friends. And you better toe the line buddy, or you have hell to pay and no more sex for you. the single life While marriage may provide certain benefits, when you choose to stay single, you keeping the door open for many more options and opportunities in your life. Your male independence is something you should never surrender lightly, even if you think you met the girl of your dreams.<br /><br />So think twice or maybe three times before you take that long walk down the aisle. If you still not sure about it, however, here one last reason for staying single: You don have to deal with in laws. Point made. He has appeared on radio shows from coast to coast in the United States and in Canada, and has been featured on The Montel Williams Show and The Other Half.

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