Sunday, June 29, 2014

How to Make a Basic Black Shirt Look Better

How to Make a Basic Black Shirt Look Better<br /><br />Slip on a blazer or jacket. A textured or colorful jacket pops against a black shirt and adds some visual interest to the look. Black is such a flexible color that any type of blazer can be paired with a black shirt, whether its a button down shirt or a T shirt. Get creative with a blazer to add a polished touch to the most simple shirt.<br /><br />Craft a one of a kind shirt. You can purchase silver studs and fabric glue at a craft store. Glue the studs to a black shirt to give it a cool factor. Create a pattern with the studs, such as a heart, or glue them all over the shoulders. Pair the studded top with something feminine on the bottom to balance out the toughness of the studs.<br /><br />Step 4<br /><br />Pull on colored jeans. Colored denim is a cool contrast to a black top and is the perfect partner for a plain shirt, since the focus will be on your pants anyway. Any color works, with lighter colors looking great in the spring and summer, and jewel tones being favored in the cooler months. Skip boring denim and add color to your life, and breathe new life into your black shirt. If youre really daring, try patterned jeans.<br /><br />Buckle up with a neat belt. Sometimes all an outfit is missing is a belt. A belt with rhinestones, ribbons or added embellishments can pick up the pace of a boring black top.

How to Make a Basic Black Shirt Look Better

How to Make a Basic Black Shirt Look Better<br /><br />Slip on a blazer or jacket. A textured or colorful jacket pops against a black shirt and adds some visual interest to the look. Black is such a flexible color that any type of blazer can be paired with a black shirt, whether its a button down shirt or a T shirt. Get creative with a blazer to add a polished touch to the most simple shirt.<br /><br />Craft a one of a kind shirt. You can purchase silver studs and fabric glue at a craft store. Glue the studs to a black shirt to give it a cool factor. Create a pattern with the studs, such as a heart, or glue them all over the shoulders. Pair the studded top with something feminine on the bottom to balance out the toughness of the studs.<br /><br />Step 4<br /><br />Pull on colored jeans. Colored denim is a cool contrast to a black top and is the perfect partner for a plain shirt, since the focus will be on your pants anyway. Any color works, with lighter colors looking great in the spring and summer, and jewel tones being favored in the cooler months. Skip boring denim and add color to your life, and breathe new life into your black shirt. If youre really daring, try patterned jeans.<br /><br />Buckle up with a neat belt. Sometimes all an outfit is missing is a belt. A belt with rhinestones, ribbons or added embellishments can pick up the pace of a boring black top.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

How to Crochet Jewelry

How to Crochet Jewelry<br /><br />Crochet wire jewelry can be elegant. Because crafters can add rows and layers, each piece will be special, and because it can be created to the wearers hand, it will be comfortable. Beads can be added in colors chosen to match several outfits.<br /><br />Choosing the Wire GaugeCrafters can make interesting crochet jewelry using any type of wire of any size. Black wire may make attractive mens rings, and silver or gold may be used in holiday pieces. However, copper wire is usually softer than other types and may be easier for a less experienced crafter.<br /><br />Most wire crochet projects are done in higher numbered gauges such as 32 or 34. The higher numbers represent thinner wire. Though many other types of jewelry projects can be done with 16 gauge wire, this wire is usually too thick for crochet. Thinner wire will give the piece a delicate look.<br /><br />Using Wire to CrochetMost crafters find it easier to work with warm wire. Therefore, most people work with the wire for a few minutes before beginning the actual project. Completing the project in one session may be practical. If the wire is colder and less flexible at the start of a new session, the size of the stitches may vary.<br /><br />Use a metal size 10 hook that is strong, smooth and free of nicks. Wire cutters and needle nose pliers can help to finish the project, although regular scissors and the crochet hook can be used if needed. Jewelry varnish can also help the project keep its color or protect the wearers skin from allergens. Coat with jewelry varnish.<br /><br />Creative crafters can tailor this pattern to individual taste by adding charms, ribbons or other accessories. The basic pattern can be expanded to form bracelets, toe rings or chokers. For a recycling project, use wires found in unusable electronic devices such as telephones, computers or cables. This free crochet pattern can be the basis for many unique and beautiful jewelry items.

How to Crochet Jewelry

How to Crochet Jewelry<br /><br />Crochet wire jewelry can be elegant. Because crafters can add rows and layers, each piece will be special, and because it can be created to the wearers hand, it will be comfortable. Beads can be added in colors chosen to match several outfits.<br /><br />Choosing the Wire GaugeCrafters can make interesting crochet jewelry using any type of wire of any size. Black wire may make attractive mens rings, and silver or gold may be used in holiday pieces. However, copper wire is usually softer than other types and may be easier for a less experienced crafter.<br /><br />Most wire crochet projects are done in higher numbered gauges such as 32 or 34. The higher numbers represent thinner wire. Though many other types of jewelry projects can be done with 16 gauge wire, this wire is usually too thick for crochet. Thinner wire will give the piece a delicate look.<br /><br />Using Wire to CrochetMost crafters find it easier to work with warm wire. Therefore, most people work with the wire for a few minutes before beginning the actual project. Completing the project in one session may be practical. If the wire is colder and less flexible at the start of a new session, the size of the stitches may vary.<br /><br />Use a metal size 10 hook that is strong, smooth and free of nicks. Wire cutters and needle nose pliers can help to finish the project, although regular scissors and the crochet hook can be used if needed. Jewelry varnish can also help the project keep its color or protect the wearers skin from allergens. Coat with jewelry varnish.<br /><br />Creative crafters can tailor this pattern to individual taste by adding charms, ribbons or other accessories. The basic pattern can be expanded to form bracelets, toe rings or chokers. For a recycling project, use wires found in unusable electronic devices such as telephones, computers or cables. This free crochet pattern can be the basis for many unique and beautiful jewelry items.

How to Crochet Jewelry

How to Crochet Jewelry<br /><br />Crochet wire jewelry can be elegant. Because crafters can add rows and layers, each piece will be special, and because it can be created to the wearers hand, it will be comfortable. Beads can be added in colors chosen to match several outfits.<br /><br />Choosing the Wire GaugeCrafters can make interesting crochet jewelry using any type of wire of any size. Black wire may make attractive mens rings, and silver or gold may be used in holiday pieces. However, copper wire is usually softer than other types and may be easier for a less experienced crafter.<br /><br />Most wire crochet projects are done in higher numbered gauges such as 32 or 34. The higher numbers represent thinner wire. Though many other types of jewelry projects can be done with 16 gauge wire, this wire is usually too thick for crochet. Thinner wire will give the piece a delicate look.<br /><br />Using Wire to CrochetMost crafters find it easier to work with warm wire. Therefore, most people work with the wire for a few minutes before beginning the actual project. Completing the project in one session may be practical. If the wire is colder and less flexible at the start of a new session, the size of the stitches may vary.<br /><br />Use a metal size 10 hook that is strong, smooth and free of nicks. Wire cutters and needle nose pliers can help to finish the project, although regular scissors and the crochet hook can be used if needed. Jewelry varnish can also help the project keep its color or protect the wearers skin from allergens. Coat with jewelry varnish.<br /><br />Creative crafters can tailor this pattern to individual taste by adding charms, ribbons or other accessories. The basic pattern can be expanded to form bracelets, toe rings or chokers. For a recycling project, use wires found in unusable electronic devices such as telephones, computers or cables. This free crochet pattern can be the basis for many unique and beautiful jewelry items.

How to Crochet Jewelry

How to Crochet Jewelry<br /><br />Crochet wire jewelry can be elegant. Because crafters can add rows and layers, each piece will be special, and because it can be created to the wearers hand, it will be comfortable. Beads can be added in colors chosen to match several outfits.<br /><br />Choosing the Wire GaugeCrafters can make interesting crochet jewelry using any type of wire of any size. Black wire may make attractive mens rings, and silver or gold may be used in holiday pieces. However, copper wire is usually softer than other types and may be easier for a less experienced crafter.<br /><br />Most wire crochet projects are done in higher numbered gauges such as 32 or 34. The higher numbers represent thinner wire. Though many other types of jewelry projects can be done with 16 gauge wire, this wire is usually too thick for crochet. Thinner wire will give the piece a delicate look.<br /><br />Using Wire to CrochetMost crafters find it easier to work with warm wire. Therefore, most people work with the wire for a few minutes before beginning the actual project. Completing the project in one session may be practical. If the wire is colder and less flexible at the start of a new session, the size of the stitches may vary.<br /><br />Use a metal size 10 hook that is strong, smooth and free of nicks. Wire cutters and needle nose pliers can help to finish the project, although regular scissors and the crochet hook can be used if needed. Jewelry varnish can also help the project keep its color or protect the wearers skin from allergens. Coat with jewelry varnish.<br /><br />Creative crafters can tailor this pattern to individual taste by adding charms, ribbons or other accessories. The basic pattern can be expanded to form bracelets, toe rings or chokers. For a recycling project, use wires found in unusable electronic devices such as telephones, computers or cables. This free crochet pattern can be the basis for many unique and beautiful jewelry items.

Friday, June 27, 2014

How to Buy Aragonite at the Tucson Gem Show

How to Buy Aragonite at the Tucson Gem Show<br /><br />Aragonite is a beautiful crystalline stone that not a lot of folks know. Unless youre from Spain. Its a knockout in handcrafted jewelry designs, and I want to familiarize you with the stone that will catch your eye next trip to the jewelry boutique or to The Tucson Gem Show. As the name implies, aragonite is named after Aragon, the province in Spain where it was first found. These days, one can find aragonite also in Morocco, and next February in Tucson at The Gem Show. More about that in a moment.<br /><br />Aragonite is calcium carbonate, CaCO3, and exactly the same stuff, chemically, as calcite. Calcite and aragonite are the two polymorphs of calcium carbonate, and the difference between them is the crystal structure and the color. Calcite is white and crystalline in the vernacular, little white crystals. Aragonite is usually a warm, burnt orangey brown color, although Ive seen the color as light as white. The crystal structure is orthorhombic, which is just the fancy term for a rectangular solid. These rectangular solids clump together to yield a rock ball with well defined crystal protrusions all around. This is often referred to as the Sputnick form, since thats what it looks like to some. Youll get the best idea about what aragonite looks like by looking at the picture.<br /><br />Aragonite is the stone for balance. It helps to focus thoughts, thereby enabling and maintaining strict adherence to discipline. For me, this is dieting. Im always going off mine. It allows deep connections to the warmth of the earth, acts as a barrier to drafts and chills, and brings warmth to extremities. For me, a replacement for the heating pad constantly defrosting my freezing feet. It has purported benefits for chronic fatigue and hair loss. For me, welcome stop losses on two accounts. The best manifestation of balance is in the balance sheet of your jewelry business. Let me explain.<br /><br />Aragonite can be obtained in quantity from the Spanish and Moroccan vendors at The Tucson Gem Show. Gemstone vendors from that part of the world cluster their booths on Oracle Street, and I get the supply of aragonite for my jewelry business from them there. Their offerings of aragonite range from small balls to large rocks with colors that range from white to deep orangey brown. All are offered in lots of 24. Thats quite a lot for a small jewelry business like mine. And if I bought the whole lot of aragonite pieces, Id still be making aragonite necklaces as we speak, nevermind not being able to get that many on the plane.<br /><br />My target for buying at The Gem Show is about eight aragonite stones, to be chosen for their color, size, crystal structure, and suitability for incorporating into the kinds of necklaces that I make. Eight choice stones were so selected by me from the Moroccan vendor on Oracle, who had the prettiest aragonite stones in the entire Show. I picked them up and put them onto my tray and asked him how much. The Moroccan man just looked at me from beneath his dusty reading glasses, his dark eyes suggesting a question. He spoke no English, but Id bet how much is a universal expression of inquiry about a price. What he was puzzled about was my selection of eight aragonite stones from his many flats of 24. It was me who finally got the idea that he wanted me to buy a whole flat and not just eight of the most beautiful stones he had on display.<br /><br />Twenty four aragonites were out of the question for me. Although I did ponder for a moment about how I might manage twenty four without crushing in my suitcase and getting successfully through airport security. The security fear arose from the fact that the stones would be wrapped in Arabic newspaper. Perhaps an irrational fear, but one I had nonetheless. In the past, they confiscated my Pakistani jewelers pliers, and they were printed in English. But, I digress. The how much question referred to the eight aragonite pieces I selected. And although no English was uttered, a discussion in head shakes, finger pointing, and punches into his Moroccan calculator ensued as we tried to come to an agreement on the price for the eight. By the way, the calculator expressed numbers in Arabic, which, by the way, are the same numbers, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, that we use in the West. And, yes, theyre Arabic.<br /><br />Bargaining is expected. For me to have kowtowed to the vendors initial exhorbitant price statement was way beyond budget, nevermind ex process for buying at The Gem Show. I would conduct the transaction in the way he was accustomed. And I wanted desperately not to be considered a silly American bargaining wimp in this arena of savvy international mercantilists. The scene had to be amusing for onlookers, because a lot of loud back and forth went on, with pungent punches onto his calculator providing new lower price propositions from the Moroccan on my eight selected stones, which he was now willing to let go from their flats if he was to make any sale at all. Its amazing what shaking your head and walking away can accomplish. The long and short of it was that I bought those eight pieces of aragonite at a fair and balanced price that both of us could afford, in not too much time, and in no English at all.<br /><br />The aragonite found its way into wire wrapped jewelry creations in both gold and silver. Aragonites rich warm color lends itself well in gold wraps. Silver is surprisingly color compatible as well. Whatever the wire medium, the wire wrap technique is a cinch when setting aragonite. The sturdy crystal protrusions provide plenty of frictionable surfaces to secure the stone in the setting. Necklaces set with a center stone of aragonite are elegantly finished with freshwater pearls in earthtone colors.<br /><br />All are brought to you by brave American kibitzers making aragonite jewelry from the wares of weary foreign traders trying to make a buck for their hot rocks under the hot sun in Tucson. Its all in the balance.<br /><br />Published by Lorraine Yapps Cohen<br /><br />I design jewelry free from the constraints of textbook techniques and write non fiction free from the rigors of technical expression. Chemist by training, creative by spirit, conservative in values, crazy a. View profile<br /><br />Your Guide to Starting a Home Jewelry BusinessIf you like to make jewelry, have a love for jewelry, or are looking for a new business idea, try starting a jewelry business.

How to Buy Aragonite at the Tucson Gem Show

How to Buy Aragonite at the Tucson Gem Show<br /><br />Aragonite is a beautiful crystalline stone that not a lot of folks know. Unless youre from Spain. Its a knockout in handcrafted jewelry designs, and I want to familiarize you with the stone that will catch your eye next trip to the jewelry boutique or to The Tucson Gem Show. As the name implies, aragonite is named after Aragon, the province in Spain where it was first found. These days, one can find aragonite also in Morocco, and next February in Tucson at The Gem Show. More about that in a moment.<br /><br />Aragonite is calcium carbonate, CaCO3, and exactly the same stuff, chemically, as calcite. Calcite and aragonite are the two polymorphs of calcium carbonate, and the difference between them is the crystal structure and the color. Calcite is white and crystalline in the vernacular, little white crystals. Aragonite is usually a warm, burnt orangey brown color, although Ive seen the color as light as white. The crystal structure is orthorhombic, which is just the fancy term for a rectangular solid. These rectangular solids clump together to yield a rock ball with well defined crystal protrusions all around. This is often referred to as the Sputnick form, since thats what it looks like to some. Youll get the best idea about what aragonite looks like by looking at the picture.<br /><br />Aragonite is the stone for balance. It helps to focus thoughts, thereby enabling and maintaining strict adherence to discipline. For me, this is dieting. Im always going off mine. It allows deep connections to the warmth of the earth, acts as a barrier to drafts and chills, and brings warmth to extremities. For me, a replacement for the heating pad constantly defrosting my freezing feet. It has purported benefits for chronic fatigue and hair loss. For me, welcome stop losses on two accounts. The best manifestation of balance is in the balance sheet of your jewelry business. Let me explain.<br /><br />Aragonite can be obtained in quantity from the Spanish and Moroccan vendors at The Tucson Gem Show. Gemstone vendors from that part of the world cluster their booths on Oracle Street, and I get the supply of aragonite for my jewelry business from them there. Their offerings of aragonite range from small balls to large rocks with colors that range from white to deep orangey brown. All are offered in lots of 24. Thats quite a lot for a small jewelry business like mine. And if I bought the whole lot of aragonite pieces, Id still be making aragonite necklaces as we speak, nevermind not being able to get that many on the plane.<br /><br />My target for buying at The Gem Show is about eight aragonite stones, to be chosen for their color, size, crystal structure, and suitability for incorporating into the kinds of necklaces that I make. Eight choice stones were so selected by me from the Moroccan vendor on Oracle, who had the prettiest aragonite stones in the entire Show. I picked them up and put them onto my tray and asked him how much. The Moroccan man just looked at me from beneath his dusty reading glasses, his dark eyes suggesting a question. He spoke no English, but Id bet how much is a universal expression of inquiry about a price. What he was puzzled about was my selection of eight aragonite stones from his many flats of 24. It was me who finally got the idea that he wanted me to buy a whole flat and not just eight of the most beautiful stones he had on display.<br /><br />Twenty four aragonites were out of the question for me. Although I did ponder for a moment about how I might manage twenty four without crushing in my suitcase and getting successfully through airport security. The security fear arose from the fact that the stones would be wrapped in Arabic newspaper. Perhaps an irrational fear, but one I had nonetheless. In the past, they confiscated my Pakistani jewelers pliers, and they were printed in English. But, I digress. The how much question referred to the eight aragonite pieces I selected. And although no English was uttered, a discussion in head shakes, finger pointing, and punches into his Moroccan calculator ensued as we tried to come to an agreement on the price for the eight. By the way, the calculator expressed numbers in Arabic, which, by the way, are the same numbers, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, that we use in the West. And, yes, theyre Arabic.<br /><br />Bargaining is expected. For me to have kowtowed to the vendors initial exhorbitant price statement was way beyond budget, nevermind ex process for buying at The Gem Show. I would conduct the transaction in the way he was accustomed. And I wanted desperately not to be considered a silly American bargaining wimp in this arena of savvy international mercantilists. The scene had to be amusing for onlookers, because a lot of loud back and forth went on, with pungent punches onto his calculator providing new lower price propositions from the Moroccan on my eight selected stones, which he was now willing to let go from their flats if he was to make any sale at all. Its amazing what shaking your head and walking away can accomplish. The long and short of it was that I bought those eight pieces of aragonite at a fair and balanced price that both of us could afford, in not too much time, and in no English at all.<br /><br />The aragonite found its way into wire wrapped jewelry creations in both gold and silver. Aragonites rich warm color lends itself well in gold wraps. Silver is surprisingly color compatible as well. Whatever the wire medium, the wire wrap technique is a cinch when setting aragonite. The sturdy crystal protrusions provide plenty of frictionable surfaces to secure the stone in the setting. Necklaces set with a center stone of aragonite are elegantly finished with freshwater pearls in earthtone colors.<br /><br />All are brought to you by brave American kibitzers making aragonite jewelry from the wares of weary foreign traders trying to make a buck for their hot rocks under the hot sun in Tucson. Its all in the balance.<br /><br />Published by Lorraine Yapps Cohen<br /><br />I design jewelry free from the constraints of textbook techniques and write non fiction free from the rigors of technical expression. Chemist by training, creative by spirit, conservative in values, crazy a. View profile<br /><br />Your Guide to Starting a Home Jewelry BusinessIf you like to make jewelry, have a love for jewelry, or are looking for a new business idea, try starting a jewelry business.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

How do I know which places I should build rep

How do I know which places I should build rep<br /><br />jump to contentmy subreddits<br /><br />limit my search to /r/TeraOnlineuse the following search parameters to narrow your results:see the search faq for details.<br /><br />Following Reddiquette is strongly encouraged.<br /><br />Some self promotion posting your own articles/etc. is permitted, but it must be balanced out by a much greater level of non promotion participation. More information in the reddit faq and a good post on the topic by an /r/rpg moderator.<br /><br />If a submission cannot stand alone and still relate to TERA disregarding any inserted captions then it should not be posted.<br /><br />No begging.<br /><br />No tech support or can my PC run this game? posts, those are better directed to the game official forums. Help me build a PC posts are also not allowed, visit /r/buildapc instead.<br /><br />NSFW submissions and comments linking to NSFW content must be labeled. Please report any that are not.

How do I know which places I should build rep

How do I know which places I should build rep<br /><br />jump to contentmy subreddits<br /><br />limit my search to /r/TeraOnlineuse the following search parameters to narrow your results:see the search faq for details.<br /><br />Following Reddiquette is strongly encouraged.<br /><br />Some self promotion posting your own articles/etc. is permitted, but it must be balanced out by a much greater level of non promotion participation. More information in the reddit faq and a good post on the topic by an /r/rpg moderator.<br /><br />If a submission cannot stand alone and still relate to TERA disregarding any inserted captions then it should not be posted.<br /><br />No begging.<br /><br />No tech support or can my PC run this game? posts, those are better directed to the game official forums. Help me build a PC posts are also not allowed, visit /r/buildapc instead.<br /><br />NSFW submissions and comments linking to NSFW content must be labeled. Please report any that are not.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Having Your Wedding At The Knotts Berry Farm Resort Hotel

Having Your Wedding At The Knotts Berry Farm Resort Hotel<br /><br />The Knotts Berry Farm Resort Hotel is conveniently located in the heart of Southern California at 7675 Crescent Avenue in Buena Park. The resort is situated on Knotts Berry Farm Theme Park property, and just 6 miles north of Disneyland. Complimentary shuttles are provided. Buena Park can be reached from the Los Angeles Airport LAX or John Wayne County Airport SNA.<br /><br />Wedding packages at the resort begin at 29.00 per person for lunch and $39.95 per person for dinner. They offer a picturesque chapel or a beautiful courtyard for your ceremony. The reception is a complimentary 4 hour room rental with champagne or cider toast for all guests. The custom tiered wedding cake is available from their award winning bakery, and will be cut and served at no additional cost. A complimentary guest room for the bride and groom on the wedding night is provided, as well as special room rates for overnight guests.<br /><br />Knotts Berry Farm Theme Park is full of rides and roller coasters as well as themed areas such as Ghost Town, Fiesta Village and The Boardwalk. Southern California residents can expect to pay $31.95 adult admission must show proof of residency. Tickets that are printed online are $35.00. Full Day adult admission is $39.95 and After 4 adult admission is $25.00.<br /><br />A trip to Knotts Berry Farm is not complete without dining at Mrs. Knotts Chicken Dinner Restaurant. In 1934, Cordelia Knott did all the cooking and her three daughters served the five table Tea Room. Since 1934, over 20 million guests have eaten the famous chicken, biscuits, and boysenberry pie.<br /><br />The toll free number for the Knotts Berry Farm Resort Hotel is 866 752 2444. Their wedding specialists will assist you with planning all the details for a memorable wedding and honeymoon.

Having Your Wedding At The Knotts Berry Farm Resort Hotel

Having Your Wedding At The Knotts Berry Farm Resort Hotel<br /><br />The Knotts Berry Farm Resort Hotel is conveniently located in the heart of Southern California at 7675 Crescent Avenue in Buena Park. The resort is situated on Knotts Berry Farm Theme Park property, and just 6 miles north of Disneyland. Complimentary shuttles are provided. Buena Park can be reached from the Los Angeles Airport LAX or John Wayne County Airport SNA.<br /><br />Wedding packages at the resort begin at 29.00 per person for lunch and $39.95 per person for dinner. They offer a picturesque chapel or a beautiful courtyard for your ceremony. The reception is a complimentary 4 hour room rental with champagne or cider toast for all guests. The custom tiered wedding cake is available from their award winning bakery, and will be cut and served at no additional cost. A complimentary guest room for the bride and groom on the wedding night is provided, as well as special room rates for overnight guests.<br /><br />Knotts Berry Farm Theme Park is full of rides and roller coasters as well as themed areas such as Ghost Town, Fiesta Village and The Boardwalk. Southern California residents can expect to pay $31.95 adult admission must show proof of residency. Tickets that are printed online are $35.00. Full Day adult admission is $39.95 and After 4 adult admission is $25.00.<br /><br />A trip to Knotts Berry Farm is not complete without dining at Mrs. Knotts Chicken Dinner Restaurant. In 1934, Cordelia Knott did all the cooking and her three daughters served the five table Tea Room. Since 1934, over 20 million guests have eaten the famous chicken, biscuits, and boysenberry pie.<br /><br />The toll free number for the Knotts Berry Farm Resort Hotel is 866 752 2444. Their wedding specialists will assist you with planning all the details for a memorable wedding and honeymoon.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Goals and Advice

Goals and Advice<br /><br />skills into a professional venture?<br /><br />This is a I love what I do! business more than a sure bet for a healthy retirement plan! If you game for that and know that there will be struggles, then dive in head first! It the most fun career I ever had. Another thing: Be true to your unique creative voice. Don try to be someone else will always work against you.<br /><br />We been undergoing a very vintage y, Steampunky, metallic period, I think mostly because of the economy tanking. If/when the economy bounces back, I predict that the pendulum will swing to a delicate, feminine, sleek look.<br /><br />Fitting in a shower today would be a good start! All kidding aside, my goal in the last few years has been to live a very present life. To enjoy each day and the people around me to the very fullest. To step back from the hamster wheel work vortex and feel myself in my bones a bit.

Goals and Advice

Goals and Advice<br /><br />skills into a professional venture?<br /><br />This is a I love what I do! business more than a sure bet for a healthy retirement plan! If you game for that and know that there will be struggles, then dive in head first! It the most fun career I ever had. Another thing: Be true to your unique creative voice. Don try to be someone else will always work against you.<br /><br />We been undergoing a very vintage y, Steampunky, metallic period, I think mostly because of the economy tanking. If/when the economy bounces back, I predict that the pendulum will swing to a delicate, feminine, sleek look.<br /><br />Fitting in a shower today would be a good start! All kidding aside, my goal in the last few years has been to live a very present life. To enjoy each day and the people around me to the very fullest. To step back from the hamster wheel work vortex and feel myself in my bones a bit.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Free Jewelry Knitting Pattern

Free Jewelry Knitting Pattern<br /><br />The Basics of I cordsI cords are one of the basic building blocks of knitting. This simple technique creates a rounded knitted cord that can be used in a number of ways, and one of my favorites is in making jewelry.<br /><br />For i cords, you always use double pointed needles, or dpns. As you knit across your cast on stitches, the stitches on the edge are going to wrap around to create a rounded shape or cord. For the best results, I suggest pulling tight on your working yarn after knitting your first and last stitches so you dont have large loops on the edges.<br /><br />I used leftover yarn from other projects for my i cord necklaces. If youre like me, when you lay out your leftovers, youll notice patterns in the colors and textures of yarns that you use. Youll see some interesting color combinations within your pile of yarn that probably represent the colors you like to wear. In my case, I had a lot of purple and gray yarn that I chose to use for my necklace.<br /><br />For these i cord necklaces, you can use any weight of yarn, but I would recommend that you use fibers that will be comfortable lying against your neck most soft acrylics, merino, silk, and cotton and that you do not choose anything that might become itchy next to the skin.<br /><br />I used one size of double pointed needles for all my i cords, regardless of the weight of the yarn, and made them all the same size by adjusting the number of stitches I cast on. However, you could also change your needle size for the weight of your yarn or use the same needles and number of stitches and just have your cords be different thicknesses.<br /><br />My MaterialsI used 5 dpns for all my cords. This made a very tight knit when using my thicker yarn, but my cords were all about the same size. Below are listed the number of stitches I cast on for each yarn weight:<br /><br />3 sts Aran, heavily worsted and most worsted weight yarns<br /><br />4 sts dk and lighter worsted weight yarns<br /><br />5 to 6 sts sport weight and sock yarn<br /><br />You can play around a bit and see what size needles and cast ons work best for your collection of yarn. For reference, here are the yarns I used in my necklace:<br /><br />Bernat Super Value in lavender<br /><br />Caron Simply Soft in gray heather<br /><br />Caron Simply Soft in deep plum heather I made two cords with this yarn<br /><br />Caron Simply Soft in sticks and stones variegated brown<br /><br />Knitpicks Swish dk in Squirrel Heather<br /><br />Naturally Caron Country in silver<br /><br />Designing Your NecklaceI suggest you choose a design for your necklace before you begin to knit. The design will help to determine the length you need for your i cords, where you attach your i cords, and the best way to finish your necklace.<br /><br />I love adding some shine and glitz to this necklace with the addition of a grouping of pins you could also use buttons or vintage clasp earrings. For this necklace, I knit my i cords to be 24 inches in length, but you can use your favorite necklace as a sample to determine the length you want for yours you can also add a chain or ribbon to the back for comfort and to adjust the length. See Finishing Your Necklace below.<br /><br />I would suggest a light blocking of your i cords before you begin assembling your necklace. Pin each cord down dry to your blocking board, with the backside or seam of your i cord facing the board if you can tell which side is the back. Make sure each cord is pinned down straight. Spray each cord with water until very damp and let dry. This should prevent the cords from twisting as you wear your necklace.<br /><br />To support the weight of the additional decoration, you should stitch your cords together in the area where you are placing your jewelry to create a base for your pins or buttons. Working with a needle and thread, stitch from the back and through the width of your i cords, tacking them to each other until they are secure. This will also keep your i cords getting tangled with the added elements and stop your jewelry from twisting to the back.<br /><br />One Knot, Two Knots, Three KnotsOne great way to create a bold necklace and show off the different colors in your yarns is to simply knot your i cords together. You can make one knot in the center, or wear it to the side as an accent. Or make two knots, one of each side, and let the center cords hang loose. Or use three knots in a row to make a chunky statement necklace.<br /><br />One thing to remember is that each knot is going to use up some of your i cord length. I knotted 6 i cords, each 24 inches long, in a series of three knots. My resulting knotted piece was about 13 inches long. You might want to play around with some sample cords to see what knots and length you want to use before starting your finished piece, but you can also adjust the length by adding some chain or a separate cord to the back of your necklace.<br /><br />Braiding Your I cords to Make a Unique NecklaceI chose to braid my i cords for my necklace. I came up with a unique way to braid them together to interweave the colors from my cords.<br /><br />I started with 7 i cords you can use any multiple of 3 plus one additional cord, each 24 inches long but you can vary the length. I pinned them to my blocking board, paying some attention to how my colors were laid out when I started.<br /><br />First step, take the two cords from the right hand side and move them over the three cords in the middle. if you are using only four cords, just move one to the middle. If you are using 10 cords, move 3 to the middle. This will move the center three cords to the right.<br /><br />Step 2 take the two cords on the left and move them to the center. Follow the photo for Steps 1 and 2.<br /><br />Finishing Your NecklaceUsing a needle and thread, sew your i cords together in a bunch at each end of your necklace. Start about an inch to an 1 1/2 from the end of your cords and work from the back of your necklace to tack your cords together firmly and securely. Continue sewing your cords together to the end of your necklace. If you are braiding your cords together, you may want to tack your starting end together before you begin to braid.<br /><br />Optional Take some wide ribbon and wrap it around the end to cover your cord. Then sew up the ribbon seam and tack it to your end.

Free Jewelry Knitting Pattern

Free Jewelry Knitting Pattern<br /><br />The Basics of I cordsI cords are one of the basic building blocks of knitting. This simple technique creates a rounded knitted cord that can be used in a number of ways, and one of my favorites is in making jewelry.<br /><br />For i cords, you always use double pointed needles, or dpns. As you knit across your cast on stitches, the stitches on the edge are going to wrap around to create a rounded shape or cord. For the best results, I suggest pulling tight on your working yarn after knitting your first and last stitches so you dont have large loops on the edges.<br /><br />I used leftover yarn from other projects for my i cord necklaces. If youre like me, when you lay out your leftovers, youll notice patterns in the colors and textures of yarns that you use. Youll see some interesting color combinations within your pile of yarn that probably represent the colors you like to wear. In my case, I had a lot of purple and gray yarn that I chose to use for my necklace.<br /><br />For these i cord necklaces, you can use any weight of yarn, but I would recommend that you use fibers that will be comfortable lying against your neck most soft acrylics, merino, silk, and cotton and that you do not choose anything that might become itchy next to the skin.<br /><br />I used one size of double pointed needles for all my i cords, regardless of the weight of the yarn, and made them all the same size by adjusting the number of stitches I cast on. However, you could also change your needle size for the weight of your yarn or use the same needles and number of stitches and just have your cords be different thicknesses.<br /><br />My MaterialsI used 5 dpns for all my cords. This made a very tight knit when using my thicker yarn, but my cords were all about the same size. Below are listed the number of stitches I cast on for each yarn weight:<br /><br />3 sts Aran, heavily worsted and most worsted weight yarns<br /><br />4 sts dk and lighter worsted weight yarns<br /><br />5 to 6 sts sport weight and sock yarn<br /><br />You can play around a bit and see what size needles and cast ons work best for your collection of yarn. For reference, here are the yarns I used in my necklace:<br /><br />Bernat Super Value in lavender<br /><br />Caron Simply Soft in gray heather<br /><br />Caron Simply Soft in deep plum heather I made two cords with this yarn<br /><br />Caron Simply Soft in sticks and stones variegated brown<br /><br />Knitpicks Swish dk in Squirrel Heather<br /><br />Naturally Caron Country in silver<br /><br />Designing Your NecklaceI suggest you choose a design for your necklace before you begin to knit. The design will help to determine the length you need for your i cords, where you attach your i cords, and the best way to finish your necklace.<br /><br />I love adding some shine and glitz to this necklace with the addition of a grouping of pins you could also use buttons or vintage clasp earrings. For this necklace, I knit my i cords to be 24 inches in length, but you can use your favorite necklace as a sample to determine the length you want for yours you can also add a chain or ribbon to the back for comfort and to adjust the length. See Finishing Your Necklace below.<br /><br />I would suggest a light blocking of your i cords before you begin assembling your necklace. Pin each cord down dry to your blocking board, with the backside or seam of your i cord facing the board if you can tell which side is the back. Make sure each cord is pinned down straight. Spray each cord with water until very damp and let dry. This should prevent the cords from twisting as you wear your necklace.<br /><br />To support the weight of the additional decoration, you should stitch your cords together in the area where you are placing your jewelry to create a base for your pins or buttons. Working with a needle and thread, stitch from the back and through the width of your i cords, tacking them to each other until they are secure. This will also keep your i cords getting tangled with the added elements and stop your jewelry from twisting to the back.<br /><br />One Knot, Two Knots, Three KnotsOne great way to create a bold necklace and show off the different colors in your yarns is to simply knot your i cords together. You can make one knot in the center, or wear it to the side as an accent. Or make two knots, one of each side, and let the center cords hang loose. Or use three knots in a row to make a chunky statement necklace.<br /><br />One thing to remember is that each knot is going to use up some of your i cord length. I knotted 6 i cords, each 24 inches long, in a series of three knots. My resulting knotted piece was about 13 inches long. You might want to play around with some sample cords to see what knots and length you want to use before starting your finished piece, but you can also adjust the length by adding some chain or a separate cord to the back of your necklace.<br /><br />Braiding Your I cords to Make a Unique NecklaceI chose to braid my i cords for my necklace. I came up with a unique way to braid them together to interweave the colors from my cords.<br /><br />I started with 7 i cords you can use any multiple of 3 plus one additional cord, each 24 inches long but you can vary the length. I pinned them to my blocking board, paying some attention to how my colors were laid out when I started.<br /><br />First step, take the two cords from the right hand side and move them over the three cords in the middle. if you are using only four cords, just move one to the middle. If you are using 10 cords, move 3 to the middle. This will move the center three cords to the right.<br /><br />Step 2 take the two cords on the left and move them to the center. Follow the photo for Steps 1 and 2.<br /><br />Finishing Your NecklaceUsing a needle and thread, sew your i cords together in a bunch at each end of your necklace. Start about an inch to an 1 1/2 from the end of your cords and work from the back of your necklace to tack your cords together firmly and securely. Continue sewing your cords together to the end of your necklace. If you are braiding your cords together, you may want to tack your starting end together before you begin to braid.<br /><br />Optional Take some wide ribbon and wrap it around the end to cover your cord. Then sew up the ribbon seam and tack it to your end.

Free Jewelry Knitting Pattern

Free Jewelry Knitting Pattern<br /><br />The Basics of I cordsI cords are one of the basic building blocks of knitting. This simple technique creates a rounded knitted cord that can be used in a number of ways, and one of my favorites is in making jewelry.<br /><br />For i cords, you always use double pointed needles, or dpns. As you knit across your cast on stitches, the stitches on the edge are going to wrap around to create a rounded shape or cord. For the best results, I suggest pulling tight on your working yarn after knitting your first and last stitches so you dont have large loops on the edges.<br /><br />I used leftover yarn from other projects for my i cord necklaces. If youre like me, when you lay out your leftovers, youll notice patterns in the colors and textures of yarns that you use. Youll see some interesting color combinations within your pile of yarn that probably represent the colors you like to wear. In my case, I had a lot of purple and gray yarn that I chose to use for my necklace.<br /><br />For these i cord necklaces, you can use any weight of yarn, but I would recommend that you use fibers that will be comfortable lying against your neck most soft acrylics, merino, silk, and cotton and that you do not choose anything that might become itchy next to the skin.<br /><br />I used one size of double pointed needles for all my i cords, regardless of the weight of the yarn, and made them all the same size by adjusting the number of stitches I cast on. However, you could also change your needle size for the weight of your yarn or use the same needles and number of stitches and just have your cords be different thicknesses.<br /><br />My MaterialsI used 5 dpns for all my cords. This made a very tight knit when using my thicker yarn, but my cords were all about the same size. Below are listed the number of stitches I cast on for each yarn weight:<br /><br />3 sts Aran, heavily worsted and most worsted weight yarns<br /><br />4 sts dk and lighter worsted weight yarns<br /><br />5 to 6 sts sport weight and sock yarn<br /><br />You can play around a bit and see what size needles and cast ons work best for your collection of yarn. For reference, here are the yarns I used in my necklace:<br /><br />Bernat Super Value in lavender<br /><br />Caron Simply Soft in gray heather<br /><br />Caron Simply Soft in deep plum heather I made two cords with this yarn<br /><br />Caron Simply Soft in sticks and stones variegated brown<br /><br />Knitpicks Swish dk in Squirrel Heather<br /><br />Naturally Caron Country in silver<br /><br />Designing Your NecklaceI suggest you choose a design for your necklace before you begin to knit. The design will help to determine the length you need for your i cords, where you attach your i cords, and the best way to finish your necklace.<br /><br />I love adding some shine and glitz to this necklace with the addition of a grouping of pins you could also use buttons or vintage clasp earrings. For this necklace, I knit my i cords to be 24 inches in length, but you can use your favorite necklace as a sample to determine the length you want for yours you can also add a chain or ribbon to the back for comfort and to adjust the length. See Finishing Your Necklace below.<br /><br />I would suggest a light blocking of your i cords before you begin assembling your necklace. Pin each cord down dry to your blocking board, with the backside or seam of your i cord facing the board if you can tell which side is the back. Make sure each cord is pinned down straight. Spray each cord with water until very damp and let dry. This should prevent the cords from twisting as you wear your necklace.<br /><br />To support the weight of the additional decoration, you should stitch your cords together in the area where you are placing your jewelry to create a base for your pins or buttons. Working with a needle and thread, stitch from the back and through the width of your i cords, tacking them to each other until they are secure. This will also keep your i cords getting tangled with the added elements and stop your jewelry from twisting to the back.<br /><br />One Knot, Two Knots, Three KnotsOne great way to create a bold necklace and show off the different colors in your yarns is to simply knot your i cords together. You can make one knot in the center, or wear it to the side as an accent. Or make two knots, one of each side, and let the center cords hang loose. Or use three knots in a row to make a chunky statement necklace.<br /><br />One thing to remember is that each knot is going to use up some of your i cord length. I knotted 6 i cords, each 24 inches long, in a series of three knots. My resulting knotted piece was about 13 inches long. You might want to play around with some sample cords to see what knots and length you want to use before starting your finished piece, but you can also adjust the length by adding some chain or a separate cord to the back of your necklace.<br /><br />Braiding Your I cords to Make a Unique NecklaceI chose to braid my i cords for my necklace. I came up with a unique way to braid them together to interweave the colors from my cords.<br /><br />I started with 7 i cords you can use any multiple of 3 plus one additional cord, each 24 inches long but you can vary the length. I pinned them to my blocking board, paying some attention to how my colors were laid out when I started.<br /><br />First step, take the two cords from the right hand side and move them over the three cords in the middle. if you are using only four cords, just move one to the middle. If you are using 10 cords, move 3 to the middle. This will move the center three cords to the right.<br /><br />Step 2 take the two cords on the left and move them to the center. Follow the photo for Steps 1 and 2.<br /><br />Finishing Your NecklaceUsing a needle and thread, sew your i cords together in a bunch at each end of your necklace. Start about an inch to an 1 1/2 from the end of your cords and work from the back of your necklace to tack your cords together firmly and securely. Continue sewing your cords together to the end of your necklace. If you are braiding your cords together, you may want to tack your starting end together before you begin to braid.<br /><br />Optional Take some wide ribbon and wrap it around the end to cover your cord. Then sew up the ribbon seam and tack it to your end.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Fathers Day Promotion and Planning for a Retail Jewelry Business

Fathers Day Promotion and Planning for a Retail Jewelry Business<br /><br />Many people think of jewelry as a great gift for Mothers Day, but what about for Fathers Day, too? Running an art gallery/jewelry retail shop myself, Fathers Day is actually a holiday which I promote actively and find to be very good for my business. If you are a jewelry retailer, dont forget Fathers Day this year as it comes around on the third Sunday of June. Here are some things to think about in order to plan for and promote your jewelry business successfully as a Fathers Day shopping destination. 1. Stock up on mens jewelry items, if you dont carry them already.<br /><br />Popular mens jewelry that makes great gifts for Fathers Day include sterling silver chains, bracelets, and pendant charms. Classic chain styles such as the Figaro, Mariner or Cuban Link are always good choices for men, and can be offered to customers looking to stay in the $20 50 price range dependent on length and silver weight. Silver cuff bracelets with Tribal or Celtic patterning can be excellent choices as well, especially for more youthful fathers, and can be offered in the $50 $100 range. For those customers looking for something more unique or higher end $100 to $250+, consider investing in some Bali silver chains in thicker widths.<br /><br />Sterling pendants are a good option for the younger customer who may not have more than $15 30 to spend, and popular choices for men include Chinese script symbols Dragon, Strength, or Courage, Zodiac signs, animals such as scorpions and tigers, or sports team logos. A chain and pendant combination can be a great gift to suggest if perhaps a mother and child come in together looking for a jointly purchased Fathers Day gift.<br /><br />Remember that men typically need bigger sizes in jewelry than women. For chains, be sure to have selections of 20, 24, and 30 inches in length available and in thicker widths. 24 is generally good to recommend to a customer who may not be sure what length necklace to buy for his or her Fathers Day gift recipient. In bracelets, have 8, 8.5, and 9 lengths available to choose from for men. Because jewelry sizing can be tricky, make sure to have multiple lengths in the same styles available so that if necessary the customer can exchange for a different size after the holiday.<br /><br />Rings are very difficult to buy for another person unless you know their ring size. Therefore they are not typically a style of jewelry I would recommend to customers as a Fathers Day gift unless they know the recipients size, and that he is a fan of wearing mens rings.<br /><br />If you work with artists who create beaded jewelry, see if they can provide you with some more masculine styles of jewelry for Fathers Day if they dont already. Think darker, neutral colors, larger beads in squared, rectangular cuts, and materials such as wood, hematite, and onyx with perhaps a touch of coral or turquoise for subtle color. Leather can be good as well, just avoid sparkly glass and crystal. While a beaded necklace or bracelet may not be to every mans style, some fathers would likely appreciate the more handmade touch of such a gift, if they have more artistic taste.<br /><br />2. Dont forget gift boxes and wrapping suited for Fathers Day.<br /><br />Gift packaging is an important service to offer around a holiday such as Fathers Day. Make sure you are well stocked in boxes, wrapping paper, labels and ribbons which fit the occasion. Put away the flowery, pink and purple boxes for a while and stock up on some nice masculine patterns and colors. Neutral earth tones, black, silver and gold, or plaid patterns can all be good choices. You might even want to have a small assortment of Fathers Day cards on hand in case a customer is in a rush and just needs a simple card to go with their jewelry gift.<br /><br />3. Run special Fathers Day sales on appropriate jewelry items.<br /><br />Customers are sure to expect youll be offering special promotional prices in anticipation of Fathers Day sales. I generally would recommend starting with a 20 25% sale on appropriate jewelry beginning two weeks before Fathers Day begins. For last minute shoppers, push with an additional discount 30 40% for the Friday and Saturday immediately before Fathers Day and perhaps a big blowout discount 50% or more on the day itself, if your business is going to be open. If you dont normally carry a lot of mens jewelry, you dont want to end up with it stuck in your inventory for months or until Christmas rolls around, so be aggressive with the sales. Know that youre competing with the big department stores and jewelry retail chains that many people think of when shopping for holiday gifts, so offer competitive enough pricing and deals that customers will come to you instead. Just be sure of the profit margins you need to maintain in order to make the holiday a successful experience for your retail business.<br /><br />4. Spread the word about your Fathers Day sales and selection.<br /><br />Finally, dont forget to let your customers know they can come to you for great, unique Fathers Day gifts. Make sure you have sale signs in your windows, and window displays emphasizing your jewelry for men. Get the word out via your Twitter stream, Facebook fanpage, and your website. In the weeks coming up to Fathers Day, let your customers know in advance of your upcoming sales and promotions for the event.<br /><br />I hope these tips and recommendations will help your jewelry retail business have a successful and profitable Fathers Day! Personal experience at Spacial Anomaly Gallery.<br /><br /> Fathers Day, Wikipedia.<br /><br />Published by Nicole Pellegrini<br /><br />My greatest passions in life are art, food, music, and travel all of which I love to combine whenever possible for the most fun and excitement. Living in the Philadelphia area for over 15 years, I have muc. Fathers Day Gifts for Poker Playing DadsIs your dad a member of the ever growing poker craze? If so, this hobby will give you a lot of opportunities for gift selections for Fathers Day.<br /><br />Related ContentHomemade Fathers Day Gifts for KidsThe Top Affordable Fathers Day Gifts for 2009Top 5 Fathers Day Gifts Under $20Six Fathers Day Gifts to MakeTop 10 Fathers Day Gifts Best Personalized Fathers Day GiftsTop 5 Fathers Day Gifts for 2010

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Etsy Interview with Minden Marie Jewelry

Etsy Interview with Minden Marie Jewelry<br /><br />First off, tell me a little bit about yourself. My name is Minden Marie Ten Eyck and I am a jewelry designer, founder and perpetuator of the Etsy shop Minden Marie Jewelry. I strive to make the most beautiful, high quality, original pieces that are still affordable. Aside from my dream of creating jewelry full time, I would love to be a professional traveler, a painter, a photographer and a fashion designer.<br /><br />My work experience is vast, ranging from flight attendant to landscape architect to mental health professional. When reading interviews of other creative people, I noticed a trend of interesting career paths, many of them quite curvy, filled with u turns and dead ends. I always felt guilty due to student loans and shattered expectations about my own path looking quite similar to that until I realized something: because my true interest and talent lies in creating beautiful things, as long as I choose to work in a non creative field, I will constantly be drawn back to doing something artistic. Thats one of the many reasons why Etsy is so commendable: it provides so many talented and innovative people a venue to display and profit from the product of their passion and creativity.<br /><br />Ive been making jewelry, on a small scale, for friends, and myself, since high school. How and why I started making jewelry on a large scale? Well, Im not sure I should admit it! While the business savvy were constructing business plans, identifying target markets and purchasing accounting software, I was taking a different approach.<br /><br />Picture yourself walking into the biggest bead store youve ever seen, a warehouse, actually, with rows upon rows of gemstones and pearls cascading down from above your head all the way to the floor. It was like a dream! A wonderful, wonderful dream! Before I knew it, I was signing a credit card slip to the tune of a few hundred dollars. Thats when my business plan hit me: I must sell this stuff in the form of stunning adornment in order to mitigate the cost! Little did I know that it would lead to the creation of Minden Marie Jewelry and an interview this is really exciting!<br /><br />When and how did you originally find Etsy?<br /><br />I had to refer back to my shop to find the date that I joined Etsy. The thing I cant figure out is how I could have purchased something in May of 2009 and then not have opened Minden Marie Jewelry until March of 2010. My friend, Amy, creator of the Etsy shop HazyDayStudio, is the one who suggested that I sell my jewelry on Etsy. Thanks, Amy!<br /><br />What is unique about Etsy and what about the website do you like the most in regards to your shop?<br /><br />First of all, Etsy is uber stylish! Kudos for the cool graphics and great site design. I like to think of myself of graphically versed, but even if I werent, Etsy would have me covered because the graphics and format makes everyones shop look good! Another fantastic thing about Etsy is that it brings in a lot of traffic for a low price. Before mindenmariejewelry opened on Etsy, I had a website that charged a monthly fee and that directed zero traffic to my site not to mention what I paid to get the site up and running!<br /><br />Another plus: Etsy is ridiculously simple. When I first opened Minden Marie Jewelry I sought the advice of prosperous shop owners. I asked ten sellers if they could share insight, advice, tips, etc. regarding their success. I only expected two, maybe three responses. Out of ten people, nine responded and some of the responses were quite lengthy. All the correspondence was encouraging and supportive.<br /><br />What inspires you the most in regards to your creations?<br /><br />The materials themselves provide me with the most inspiration. I utilize gemstone, pearls, coral and sterling silver in my pieces. Gemstones come in the most enchanting colors, patterns and luminosities. One of my favorite gemstones, one that you will see quite often on Minden Marie Jewelry, is red picture jasper. Every piece is like a miniature piece of contemporary art. The Red Picture Jasper Pendant Necklace and the Red Picture Jasper Pendant with Tourmaline, Quartz, Labradorite and Handmade Sterling Silver Beads are great examples of this. Another source of inspiration, at the risk of sounding like a narcissist, is myself. What I mean by that is I would wear every item I create, so the pieces are inspired by my own style and must live up to my standards. Its asymmetrical, with one side onyx black and one side calcite yellow. The black onyx seems to flow straight into the pendant, which has angled bands of black traversing both sides. The pendant also has handmade sterling silver beads, which I think add even more originality.<br /><br />There are many necklaces listed on Minden Marie Jewelry that also have a large jasper pendant. If I may introduce another one of my favorites, one that managed to escape my clutches, but was, rather, given to a friend: the Wire Wrapped Labradorite Pendant Necklace. Several days after I gave the necklace to my friend, she texted me and said that she had received so many compliments on the piece that she thought she should tattoo my Etsy shop address on her forehead. I responded, That would be amazing! She hasnt done it yet.<br /><br />What do you want to accomplish with your online shop?<br /><br />I want to be a star! Seriously, I want to be a star. Joking aside, it would be a dream come true if I could make Minden Marie Jewelry my full time job. Many times I read the Etsy Quit Your Day Job feature with eyes wide open, white knuckling the mouse, full of hope and awe. I have little fantasies about what I would say when I become featured. However, I realize that with any creative field, there are a few who make it and there are many more who dont. Greeting card references aside, hopes and dreams are really important. Im a steadfast believer in positive thinking and if you can envision something to be true for you, it probably will be.<br /><br />Do you have any new creations in the works? If so, what can shoppers expect to see from you soon?<br /><br />I just started selling earrings. Previously, necklaces were my pices de rsistance to be found in my shop. Earrings are an exciting new addition for me and Im having a lot of fun making them. Shoppers can continue to expect unique, modern, beautiful and affordable jewelry from Minden Marie Jewelry. I encourage customers to check the shop often, as I am continually adding new pieces.<br /><br />Where can readers find out about more information regarding your jewelry and other creations and possible special offers including additional websites, blogs, facebook, etc?<br /><br />Right now, my Esty shop is the primary way to access my jewelry. Ive heard that making a Facebook Fan Page is a good way to expand ones business. However, when it comes to the choice, Should I make more jewelry, or should I figure out how to do that, guess what I choose? Refer back to my fantastic business skills. In July, I had my first contest in which a customer could enter to win a necklace of their choice in exchange for an email with some critical feedback about Minden Marie Jewelry. Receiving all the comments was so enriching! As I anticipated, Etsy customers were filled with fabulous ideas! Thanks to their keen perception and well articulated insights, I made several changes to my store, including photos, wording, adding earrings and adding more lower priced items. Unfortunately, marketing is not my forte. If anyone has any suggestions for me, please write me! I sense another contest coming on!<br /><br />Published by Rachel B.<br /><br />Rachel B. is a college student from the Midwest with a passion for political and local issues. Her writing has been featured on the front page of Yahoo! View profile<br /><br />Artist Tip: How to Take Excellent Product Photos for an Etsy ShopCreating high quality, interesting photos is key to finding success with an Etsy shop.

Etsy Interview with Minden Marie Jewelry

Etsy Interview with Minden Marie Jewelry<br /><br />First off, tell me a little bit about yourself. My name is Minden Marie Ten Eyck and I am a jewelry designer, founder and perpetuator of the Etsy shop Minden Marie Jewelry. I strive to make the most beautiful, high quality, original pieces that are still affordable. Aside from my dream of creating jewelry full time, I would love to be a professional traveler, a painter, a photographer and a fashion designer.<br /><br />My work experience is vast, ranging from flight attendant to landscape architect to mental health professional. When reading interviews of other creative people, I noticed a trend of interesting career paths, many of them quite curvy, filled with u turns and dead ends. I always felt guilty due to student loans and shattered expectations about my own path looking quite similar to that until I realized something: because my true interest and talent lies in creating beautiful things, as long as I choose to work in a non creative field, I will constantly be drawn back to doing something artistic. Thats one of the many reasons why Etsy is so commendable: it provides so many talented and innovative people a venue to display and profit from the product of their passion and creativity.<br /><br />Ive been making jewelry, on a small scale, for friends, and myself, since high school. How and why I started making jewelry on a large scale? Well, Im not sure I should admit it! While the business savvy were constructing business plans, identifying target markets and purchasing accounting software, I was taking a different approach.<br /><br />Picture yourself walking into the biggest bead store youve ever seen, a warehouse, actually, with rows upon rows of gemstones and pearls cascading down from above your head all the way to the floor. It was like a dream! A wonderful, wonderful dream! Before I knew it, I was signing a credit card slip to the tune of a few hundred dollars. Thats when my business plan hit me: I must sell this stuff in the form of stunning adornment in order to mitigate the cost! Little did I know that it would lead to the creation of Minden Marie Jewelry and an interview this is really exciting!<br /><br />When and how did you originally find Etsy?<br /><br />I had to refer back to my shop to find the date that I joined Etsy. The thing I cant figure out is how I could have purchased something in May of 2009 and then not have opened Minden Marie Jewelry until March of 2010. My friend, Amy, creator of the Etsy shop HazyDayStudio, is the one who suggested that I sell my jewelry on Etsy. Thanks, Amy!<br /><br />What is unique about Etsy and what about the website do you like the most in regards to your shop?<br /><br />First of all, Etsy is uber stylish! Kudos for the cool graphics and great site design. I like to think of myself of graphically versed, but even if I werent, Etsy would have me covered because the graphics and format makes everyones shop look good! Another fantastic thing about Etsy is that it brings in a lot of traffic for a low price. Before mindenmariejewelry opened on Etsy, I had a website that charged a monthly fee and that directed zero traffic to my site not to mention what I paid to get the site up and running!<br /><br />Another plus: Etsy is ridiculously simple. When I first opened Minden Marie Jewelry I sought the advice of prosperous shop owners. I asked ten sellers if they could share insight, advice, tips, etc. regarding their success. I only expected two, maybe three responses. Out of ten people, nine responded and some of the responses were quite lengthy. All the correspondence was encouraging and supportive.<br /><br />What inspires you the most in regards to your creations?<br /><br />The materials themselves provide me with the most inspiration. I utilize gemstone, pearls, coral and sterling silver in my pieces. Gemstones come in the most enchanting colors, patterns and luminosities. One of my favorite gemstones, one that you will see quite often on Minden Marie Jewelry, is red picture jasper. Every piece is like a miniature piece of contemporary art. The Red Picture Jasper Pendant Necklace and the Red Picture Jasper Pendant with Tourmaline, Quartz, Labradorite and Handmade Sterling Silver Beads are great examples of this. Another source of inspiration, at the risk of sounding like a narcissist, is myself. What I mean by that is I would wear every item I create, so the pieces are inspired by my own style and must live up to my standards. Its asymmetrical, with one side onyx black and one side calcite yellow. The black onyx seems to flow straight into the pendant, which has angled bands of black traversing both sides. The pendant also has handmade sterling silver beads, which I think add even more originality.<br /><br />There are many necklaces listed on Minden Marie Jewelry that also have a large jasper pendant. If I may introduce another one of my favorites, one that managed to escape my clutches, but was, rather, given to a friend: the Wire Wrapped Labradorite Pendant Necklace. Several days after I gave the necklace to my friend, she texted me and said that she had received so many compliments on the piece that she thought she should tattoo my Etsy shop address on her forehead. I responded, That would be amazing! She hasnt done it yet.<br /><br />What do you want to accomplish with your online shop?<br /><br />I want to be a star! Seriously, I want to be a star. Joking aside, it would be a dream come true if I could make Minden Marie Jewelry my full time job. Many times I read the Etsy Quit Your Day Job feature with eyes wide open, white knuckling the mouse, full of hope and awe. I have little fantasies about what I would say when I become featured. However, I realize that with any creative field, there are a few who make it and there are many more who dont. Greeting card references aside, hopes and dreams are really important. Im a steadfast believer in positive thinking and if you can envision something to be true for you, it probably will be.<br /><br />Do you have any new creations in the works? If so, what can shoppers expect to see from you soon?<br /><br />I just started selling earrings. Previously, necklaces were my pices de rsistance to be found in my shop. Earrings are an exciting new addition for me and Im having a lot of fun making them. Shoppers can continue to expect unique, modern, beautiful and affordable jewelry from Minden Marie Jewelry. I encourage customers to check the shop often, as I am continually adding new pieces.<br /><br />Where can readers find out about more information regarding your jewelry and other creations and possible special offers including additional websites, blogs, facebook, etc?<br /><br />Right now, my Esty shop is the primary way to access my jewelry. Ive heard that making a Facebook Fan Page is a good way to expand ones business. However, when it comes to the choice, Should I make more jewelry, or should I figure out how to do that, guess what I choose? Refer back to my fantastic business skills. In July, I had my first contest in which a customer could enter to win a necklace of their choice in exchange for an email with some critical feedback about Minden Marie Jewelry. Receiving all the comments was so enriching! As I anticipated, Etsy customers were filled with fabulous ideas! Thanks to their keen perception and well articulated insights, I made several changes to my store, including photos, wording, adding earrings and adding more lower priced items. Unfortunately, marketing is not my forte. If anyone has any suggestions for me, please write me! I sense another contest coming on!<br /><br />Published by Rachel B.<br /><br />Rachel B. is a college student from the Midwest with a passion for political and local issues. Her writing has been featured on the front page of Yahoo! View profile<br /><br />Artist Tip: How to Take Excellent Product Photos for an Etsy ShopCreating high quality, interesting photos is key to finding success with an Etsy shop.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Dragon Jewelry

Dragon Jewelry<br /><br />Its always intriguing to learn about mythical archetypes or figures that have emerged at different times in different parts of the world that seemingly had no contact with each other. Vastly different societies came up with pantheons of gods that displayed incredible similarities, they came up with the idea of rings to signify marriage, and they have found different justifications for war as a way to resolve differences or get what they wanted. From the mundane to the profound, sometimes it really seems as though theres something to the idea of a universal subconscious, because the commonalities can be far too overwhelming to be nothing but coincidence.<br /><br />Dragons are one of those things that have entered into the myths and fantasies of radically different societies, indicating just how powerful they are as an idea or symbol. In China, for thousands of years, the dragon has been seen as a sign of good fortune. In Europe, particularly the British Isles, dragons have appeared as powerful and enigmatic beings with wisdom beyond that of humans. In fairy tales, they have appeared as creatures which demanded sacrifices, and in many cases, the reason for their anger was that their world was becoming overrun by humans who did not pay them sufficient respect and turned them into enemies. The ancient Greeks had dragons, as did the Vikings, and there are creatures in Mexican and South American mythology that are essentially dragon forms, as well.<br /><br />Many people who wear dragon jewelry believe that a dragon brings protection and a long life. Fertility and wisdom are also common powers associated with dragon totems. Many people are drawn to totems carved from semi precious stones, and carry them without any kind of chain. Other want their totems to be close to their hearts and will wear them on chains around their necks.<br /><br />Not everyone who likes dragons believes that they have magical powers. Some people are fans of fantasy fiction, and have been fascinated by books by Anne McCaffrey or Andre Norton which include witty, wry, stately, brilliant, and powerful dragons. For them, a dragon ring, pendant, or charm is simply a little link to the imagination, where dragons can be anything they want them to be.

Dragon Jewelry

Dragon Jewelry<br /><br />Its always intriguing to learn about mythical archetypes or figures that have emerged at different times in different parts of the world that seemingly had no contact with each other. Vastly different societies came up with pantheons of gods that displayed incredible similarities, they came up with the idea of rings to signify marriage, and they have found different justifications for war as a way to resolve differences or get what they wanted. From the mundane to the profound, sometimes it really seems as though theres something to the idea of a universal subconscious, because the commonalities can be far too overwhelming to be nothing but coincidence.<br /><br />Dragons are one of those things that have entered into the myths and fantasies of radically different societies, indicating just how powerful they are as an idea or symbol. In China, for thousands of years, the dragon has been seen as a sign of good fortune. In Europe, particularly the British Isles, dragons have appeared as powerful and enigmatic beings with wisdom beyond that of humans. In fairy tales, they have appeared as creatures which demanded sacrifices, and in many cases, the reason for their anger was that their world was becoming overrun by humans who did not pay them sufficient respect and turned them into enemies. The ancient Greeks had dragons, as did the Vikings, and there are creatures in Mexican and South American mythology that are essentially dragon forms, as well.<br /><br />Many people who wear dragon jewelry believe that a dragon brings protection and a long life. Fertility and wisdom are also common powers associated with dragon totems. Many people are drawn to totems carved from semi precious stones, and carry them without any kind of chain. Other want their totems to be close to their hearts and will wear them on chains around their necks.<br /><br />Not everyone who likes dragons believes that they have magical powers. Some people are fans of fantasy fiction, and have been fascinated by books by Anne McCaffrey or Andre Norton which include witty, wry, stately, brilliant, and powerful dragons. For them, a dragon ring, pendant, or charm is simply a little link to the imagination, where dragons can be anything they want them to be.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Dell Laptop Keyboard Skin Shopping Guide

Dell Laptop Keyboard Skin Shopping Guide<br /><br />Buy PC Supplies<br /><br />If you are concerned about potential germs and bacteria contaminating your keyboard, you may prefer a keyboard skin from Buy PC Supplies. Along with standard grade skins, this retailer offers Biosafe Antimicrobial Skins, which not only protect your laptop keyboard from dust, dirt and spills but also prevent the growth of microorganisms. Both versions can be washed and protect keys without impeding their visibility. To see if they offer a keyboard skin that will fit your specific laptop model, type Dell into the Manufacturer box at the top of the window and then enter your model number into the Model Number box. You can also browse by manufacturer. A standard grade skin runs just over $15 and antimicrobial versions cost about $20. If so, Etsy artist Lily Pang offers a creation you will love. Her laptop skins are guaranteed to fit your Dell keyboard perfectly because they are made to order. While these skins look gorgeous, they are also functional as they protect the wrist area of your keyboard from scratches caused by buttons or jewelry as well as fingerprints and smudges. You can also wipe away small spills and dirt. To order a custom made skin, which costs just under $10 plus shipping, you must provide the artist with measurements for your keyboard and touchpad. This universal keyboard protector skin protects your keyboard from wear over time so that the letters on the keys are not worn away. It keeps crumbs, dust and other potential key jamming junk from making its way into the crevices on your keyboard. This skin is super thin and lightweight, so that you will hardly notice it there while you type. You can clean it with mild soap and warm water, as well. While the list price is currently right around $15, you can get your hands on one of these for closer to $5. 6 cell Laptop Batteries?How to Reset Your Laptop BatteryLaptop Battle of the Brands: Dell vs. ToshibaAsus or Lenovo: Which Company Makes the Best Laptop?Laptop Reliability: Which Brands are the Most Reliable?HP Laptops Compared to Asus LaptopsWhich is Better HP or Sony Laptops?Toshiba Notebook or ASUS Notebook: We CompareAsus vs Acer Laptop ReliabilityToshiba vs. Acer Laptops: Which is Best?<br /><br />Related Topics:Communications Broadband Support and Guidance: Troubleshooting Tips, Tutorials User Guides For Your Home or Business Broadband NeedsComputer Hardware Gadgets: The Best New Gadgets For Your PC Or Desktop EnvironmentComputer Hardware News Developments: All The Latest News, Product Launches, Opinions Events In The World Of ComputingComputer Hardware Support: Troubleshooting Tips, Tutorials User Guides For Your Computer HardwareViews Opinion on the Latest in ComputingComputer Processing, Graphics Memory: Troubleshooting Tips, Tutorials Reviews Of CPU Memory To Help You Get the Most From Your ComputerComputer Storage Data Backup: Off and Online Data Storage Reviews, Troubleshooting Help Tutorials For Your External and Internal Storage NeedsDesktop Computers: Reviews, Product Ranges Troubleshooting Tips On The Best Worst DesktopsVDUs / Computer Monitors: Troubleshooting Tips, Tutorials Reviews Of The Latest Greatest Computer MonitorsiPads TabletsKeyboards Mice: All The Latest Product Reviews, Troubleshooting Tips Tutorials For Your Keyboard Or MouseLaptops and Mobile Computing: Reviews Troubleshooting Tips For Laptop ComputersNetbook Computers: Reviews, Product Ranges Troubleshooting Tips On The Best Worst Subnotebooks NetbooksComputer Peripheral Guides and Tips: All The Latest Product Reviews, Troubleshooting Help Tutorials For Your PC PeripheralsComputer Power Supply Reviews and Troubleshooting: The Latest PSU Products, Help Tutorials For Your PC Power SupplyPrinter Reviews, Troubleshooting Tips User Guides For Your Computer Printing NeedsServer and Hosting Services: Troubleshooting Tips User Guides For Your Computer Server Administration

com Jewelry Expert

com Jewelry Expert<br /><br />Take a minute to learn more about me on my profile page, and come say hello on my Facebook page!<br /><br />I will be sharing with all of you my extensive knowledge about the jewelry industry and hope to shed more light on the vintage jewelry aspect of the business. Bear with me as I begin to organize the current content of this page in a way that makes more sense. I will be updating some information as well as adding more relevant content as time goes on.<br /><br />3 Kristina Mason says:Dear Lauren, Congrats on your new position. I am sure you are very familiar with jade, but I wanted to introduce myself anyway. You may be familiar with Mason Kay Jade as well, but I wanted to make sure to offer our assistance and any information you would like to help educate consumers on the the beauty and unique qualities of jade. Mason Kay is a well known named worldwide for jade and we are considered experts on the topic. So, please let us know if we can help in any way.

com Jewelry Expert

com Jewelry Expert<br /><br />Take a minute to learn more about me on my profile page, and come say hello on my Facebook page!<br /><br />I will be sharing with all of you my extensive knowledge about the jewelry industry and hope to shed more light on the vintage jewelry aspect of the business. Bear with me as I begin to organize the current content of this page in a way that makes more sense. I will be updating some information as well as adding more relevant content as time goes on.<br /><br />3 Kristina Mason says:Dear Lauren, Congrats on your new position. I am sure you are very familiar with jade, but I wanted to introduce myself anyway. You may be familiar with Mason Kay Jade as well, but I wanted to make sure to offer our assistance and any information you would like to help educate consumers on the the beauty and unique qualities of jade. Mason Kay is a well known named worldwide for jade and we are considered experts on the topic. So, please let us know if we can help in any way.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Christian jewelry is more trendy than ever

Christian jewelry is more trendy than ever<br /><br />One of the most loved metals is gold. Aside from diamonds, gold is also a favorite among people who loves jewelry and precious metals. One reason for this is it has a classic beauty and it never runs out of style. Whether you want to buy white gold or pure gold, it is always difficult to determine whether you are buying the genuine or a fake one. If you plan to buy a gold jewelry, it is always important to know what you are looking in a gold jewelry. Weddings come in various styles, usually depending on ones religious culture. It could also be based on ones social wing conservative or liberal. The two distinct kinds of weddings are those of the Muslim wedding and the Christian wedding.<br /><br />Use two rulers and sticks, and even beat him with wooden spoons. Anyway, that will allow their children until the Lord a joyful noise! become an empty roll of paper towels to complement a flag! This is what you need: color Papel construction markers, crayons, glitter or finger paints to decorate an empty roll of paper towels A single punch A glue stick 10 films Cara a piece of paper, construction and let your child draw pictures that remind them of Gods love and glory.<br /><br />Monotonous jobs and tasks can be more interesting to do in different ways. By contrast, even the most exciting race monotony and boredom can become a routine. There are different ways to do Bible studies and led the leader must be creative in this.<br /><br />is not care who or how spiritual you are saying that if the patient does not feel like a dog with no way to pray, read the word, and super spiritual. What I want, and determine the pain away. What if you need a friend like these people during. Mark 02:01 5And again went into Capernaum after some days, and it sounds that he was at home.<br /><br />D is Death, that Christ must be stopped. E crimes that are in the human heart.<br /><br />most famous of all Christian holidays is, of course, Christmas presents at Happy Holiday World Christianity pure, warm family, which is celebrated to remember that when Jesus was born. Celebration of Christmas, from Bethlehem in Israel disorder family dinners throughout the Western world is one of the most important Christian family, and is planned and expected for most of the year. The spirit of giving and sharing Christmas Day, while recognizing the proximity of family and unity is the true spirit of Christian gifts and holidays. common tradition is to create a Christmas tree decorated with lights and colorful ornaments, many decorated the house with lights and sometimes even some dolls of Santa and his reindeer.<br /><br />Of course, there are several arguments for this type of reply to distill the Mormons have a discussion. And nobody will take advantage of the fact that they have the right to defend what they believe each argument that is put forth that there is great debate on the interpretation of scripture in the Bible ofvarious. It is difficult to understand if the Mormons say theyve read the entire Bible and its pretty obvious they are only open to parts of the Bible, so that trust. This can be frustrating, because it is like saying that promote the Scriptures, which supports their beliefs, but if it goes against what they believe, then they feel that is the man or part of the Bible wrong.<br /><br />This gives us the opportunity to communicate with the salvation of God. This opens the way for a special relationship with God is our Father, and of interested and active in our lives.<br /><br />Pray, and have family devotions. If you go on family vacations, going to a church near your vacation spot which is fun! And notice that God is always with you. Sometimes, when life is too difficult to manage, you need a shoulder to cry.<br /><br />In addition to being complicated, reality, in my experience, is usually odd. Its not nice, it is not clear, is not what you expect. The reality is, in fact, is usually something that is not predictable.<br /><br />Some people choose to give credit to God, while others tend to blame God for all that bad. If youre like me, have been asking God for things and havent received. Here is how I see it, I just ask something, if I do not get, I try to put some more effort into it and find out how I can buy the things I asked and stayed there. Christian jewelry<br /><br />Shell is used as a horn in religious ceremonies and to frighten evil spirits. It is a symbol of Buddhism spread throughout the world, and the sound of the horn is blown. The image of Buddha has three curved lines represent neck and resonant voice in sounding more like a shell which is blown. Parasol: umbrella is said to cast a protective shadow.<br /><br />It becomes crucial for the followers to believe in the teachings of the Bible, because it can lead to severe punishment from Allah, who created mankind. Christian communities find God creating the universe, a unique and wonderful. Although there are many facts about the Biblical creation of the world on this issue, but Christian groups more strongly that this is the faith that were supposed to believe.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Can you melt silver at home for jewelry

Can you melt silver at home for jewelry<br /><br />I have recently found some Galena ore and am interested in melting it down to extract the silver to use in jewelry making. I tried to melt some by crushing it down and using a mapp gas torch but cant seem to melt enough at one time to seperate the different metals. Does anyone have any easy, at home, suggestions to melt larger amounts of ore other than constructing a forge. I am also aware of the alkaline properties of galena in that you do not want to breath any of the vapors or fumes from the ore.Complicated answer to a simple question :P Small amounts can be melted with a propane torch directly, a little more if you set up a furnace and crucible to help hold the heat longer look up ytong furnace on google. Simplest method? A dish/crucible hole in the end of a 2x4 that you dump the silver in think dime to quarter for amount, then heat for a long time with a propane torch. Don Noris ? has some info on this with broom/bean/straw/salt/pine needle castings if you look up his name or steam casting on google.Lor4 years agoReplyVery easily you can. Go to a hobby shop or look in a Business to Business phone book and see if you can find a melt pot. I worked at a company that designed and manufactured metal molds for machines and we had several melting pots, little pots on the production floor for the solderers. Not sure exactly what they needed them for, but I played around with them. You could drop a dime or nickel in and watch it melt. When we needed a new one, we drove to to this hobby shop down the street and picked up another one. Theyre readily available. Home Depot and other hardware stores may even sell them.

Can you melt silver at home for jewelry

Can you melt silver at home for jewelry<br /><br />I have recently found some Galena ore and am interested in melting it down to extract the silver to use in jewelry making. I tried to melt some by crushing it down and using a mapp gas torch but cant seem to melt enough at one time to seperate the different metals. Does anyone have any easy, at home, suggestions to melt larger amounts of ore other than constructing a forge. I am also aware of the alkaline properties of galena in that you do not want to breath any of the vapors or fumes from the ore.Complicated answer to a simple question :P Small amounts can be melted with a propane torch directly, a little more if you set up a furnace and crucible to help hold the heat longer look up ytong furnace on google. Simplest method? A dish/crucible hole in the end of a 2x4 that you dump the silver in think dime to quarter for amount, then heat for a long time with a propane torch. Don Noris ? has some info on this with broom/bean/straw/salt/pine needle castings if you look up his name or steam casting on google.Lor4 years agoReplyVery easily you can. Go to a hobby shop or look in a Business to Business phone book and see if you can find a melt pot. I worked at a company that designed and manufactured metal molds for machines and we had several melting pots, little pots on the production floor for the solderers. Not sure exactly what they needed them for, but I played around with them. You could drop a dime or nickel in and watch it melt. When we needed a new one, we drove to to this hobby shop down the street and picked up another one. Theyre readily available. Home Depot and other hardware stores may even sell them.

Can you melt silver at home for jewelry

Can you melt silver at home for jewelry<br /><br />I have recently found some Galena ore and am interested in melting it down to extract the silver to use in jewelry making. I tried to melt some by crushing it down and using a mapp gas torch but cant seem to melt enough at one time to seperate the different metals. Does anyone have any easy, at home, suggestions to melt larger amounts of ore other than constructing a forge. I am also aware of the alkaline properties of galena in that you do not want to breath any of the vapors or fumes from the ore.Complicated answer to a simple question :P Small amounts can be melted with a propane torch directly, a little more if you set up a furnace and crucible to help hold the heat longer look up ytong furnace on google. Simplest method? A dish/crucible hole in the end of a 2x4 that you dump the silver in think dime to quarter for amount, then heat for a long time with a propane torch. Don Noris ? has some info on this with broom/bean/straw/salt/pine needle castings if you look up his name or steam casting on google.Lor4 years agoReplyVery easily you can. Go to a hobby shop or look in a Business to Business phone book and see if you can find a melt pot. I worked at a company that designed and manufactured metal molds for machines and we had several melting pots, little pots on the production floor for the solderers. Not sure exactly what they needed them for, but I played around with them. You could drop a dime or nickel in and watch it melt. When we needed a new one, we drove to to this hobby shop down the street and picked up another one. Theyre readily available. Home Depot and other hardware stores may even sell them.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Big and Bold Jewelry is a Hit

Big and Bold Jewelry is a Hit<br /><br />Big and Bold is a winning combination this year. Models are adorned in gorgeous bold necklaces, rings and earrings as they stroll down the fashion runways of New York, Paris and Rome. Fashion designers know with a large piece of jewelry, placed at just the perfect spot on an outfit around the neck or on the hand can make an outfit go from simple elegance to dynamic. Most women will tell you that their significant other cannot go wrong if they give diamonds and gold. When celebrating a special occasion or just to say, I Love You give your love a piece of jewelry. Any woman loves to see her body adorned with diamonds and gold. The sparkle combined with a dazzling look alone makes people think you have everything or everything going for you. If not always, the majority of the time, most of us do.<br /><br />However, the new big and bold pieces available to display seem to dominate the scene. Add a few large, bold pieces to complement an outfit and you are sure to attract the eyes and envy of everyone.<br /><br />No longer is bold, dazzling, colorful jewelry worn around the neck, hanging from the earlobes or on the hands considered tacky. Today, designers have inundated the runway with gorgeous pieces that catch the eye of every woman. For a few examples of elegance paired with big and bold check out the pieces here.<br /><br />Even the woman with a demure, conservative style can and is attracted to these large pieces. You can remain inconspicuous yet indulge in this fashion whimsy with just one large piece placed on one finger. Nothing else is needed. Go from simple to simply elegant in seconds. Change the entire look of a simple outfit from drab to fab with a brooch. On the other hand, if glamour and being the center of attention is your thing, add a ring, necklace and brooch.<br /><br />It can be hard to change from wearing only the more genuine refined pieces of jewelry to large bold pieces of costume jewelry. However, after wearing one piece, most of us with the desire to remain in the background, find ourselves looking for more pieces that demonstrate our refined sense of style. No need to compromise your persona of class and elegance. With just the right piece, you can remain the epitome of elegance.<br /><br />For example, Im one of those women who love to wear black. Generally, I wear a black suit with two to three gold rings on the fingers of both hands, a gold watch, gold bracelet and gold earrings when going out or for special occasions. Depending on the event, I may or may not wear a gold necklace.<br /><br />Each piece worn however is conservative and though they are major investments, each piece is elegant yet understated. My jewelry armoire has hundreds of pieces from which to select. Yet, I am more directed towards refined elegance with a simple appeal. Each week finds me selecting a watch, bracelet, and one ring on each ring finger before heading out for those days activities. With a watch, one ring on each hand and I am ready to head out my door for the day.<br /><br />This year, I have changed my wardrobe to add a few big and bold pieces. Trendy or not, these new big and bold pieces of jewelry can be eye catching.<br /><br />Big and Bold jewelry can range in prices from $2 upwards into the thousands. However, remember this is a trend. While some trends are on the shelves and quite popular for lengthy periods, most pass away very swiftly. Unless you have money to burn, stay with a few well chosen pieces that can be worn to enhance any outfit and you cannot go wrong.<br /><br />Published by Malina Debrie<br /><br />I am the owner and founder of a small professional writing service, I volunteer at a local school and contribute weekly articles to a local newspaper. I provide professional and private writing services for. View profile<br /><br />How to Choose a Piece of Handmade JewelryHandmade jewelry can do much to enhance the way you look and feel. Find out how to choose the pieces that are right for you.